About Cyprus
Cyprus the place to be
Why Invest in Cyprus
Cyprus is an official EU Member state since May 1st, 2004. From January, 2008 the Republic of Cyprus has joined the eurozone.Since then the Euro “€” is its official currency.
Cyprus holds a strategic location, in Europe’s Middle Eastern part. Its location secures thay you will be able to enjoy about 330 days of sunshine, and you can also enjoy a lot of blue flag beaches with excellnt crystal clear waters and a beautiful all around picturesque.
Cyprus is considered one of the most secure places to live in and travel to. The Island is also reputable for its excellent public and private healthcare services with access to everyone. It has an efficient legal, accounting and banking systems.
A lot of Private English-speaking schools and universities of the highest calibre are also a common view in Cyprus.
The Tax regime is attractive to Investors and is among the lowest in the EU. The corporate tax rate is 12.5%. Cyprus has signed more than 45 double-tax treaties with other countries in order to avoid double taxation.
Significant Gas reserves were discovered recently, which made Cyprus a potential gas exporter and has created a significant amount of gas related business opportunities. A government scheme, offers foreign investors the eligibility to obtain an EU Passport and Citizenship provided that certain rules and conditions are met.
See Cyprus Investment Programme Guidelines below
Cyprus Economy: Strong growth prospects
The country’s economy is open, small, adaptable, free-market and service-based with a long record of successful economic growth. The Real GDP growth has reached 3.8% in 2017, making Cyprus one of the fastest growing economies in the euro area. It is further expected that in 2018 the growth with reach about 3.5%.
Cyprus has exceeded international expectations: returned to international financial markets in record time and expanded faster than the Euro-Zone Average. Continuous upgrades by International credit rating agencies (Moody’s, S & P, Fitch), also helped restore Investment confidence, security and credibility to International businesses and Investors.